What is your favourite film?
A: Snatch
C: White house down
D: Django un-chained
E: Shutter Island
This shows that most popular genres were Crime/Action, however Django un-chained is a Western based film. This highlights a different taste in genre when asking the chosen group. I also found the information interesting as Leonardo Dicaprio starred in two of the movies mentioned. This suggests that he is stereotyped and commonly recognised as an Action/Crime Actor.
How often do you visit the Cinema?
A: Once a month
B: Once every two months
C: Once a month
D: Twice a month
E: Once a month
This highlights that from this the teenagers asked mostly visited once a month. This suggests that cinema visits have been replaced with T.V and access to movies online. This is significant as it illuminates that when a group of movies hit the cinema that only one is being watched.
What is your favourite genre?
A: Action/Comedy
B: Gangster
C: Action
D: Horror
E: Comedy
The most popular is the Action/Comedy genres as this can be universal to both sexes. Cinema mostly shows these genres, possibly making it the most popular in the survey.
How much time do you spending watching films a week?
A: 2hrs a week
B: 2hrs a week
C: 3hrs a week
D: 5hrs a week
E: 4hrs a week
This averages to 3.2 hours of film watching a week. This is around the average length of a film and therefore would suggest that one film is being watched by this group of teenagers a week.
What are your thoughts on piracy?
A: I do it all the time.
B: I really have an opinion on it.
C: I don't really care.
D: I use it every day.
E: I don't like it, it is illegal and therefore I don't do it.
This is significant as it outlines that the current generation mostly use piracy to access programmes and movies online. Piracy is the costless option in some cases. A average cinema ticket for a student is £7.50 and therefore many will watch pirate films because it is cheap. However, this isn't good for the industry. If no money is being put into the industry, less and less money there is to put into films and actors. But saying this, piracy is far more accepted in our generation.